How to pronounce Estopiã±ã¡n Del Castillo?

1 entry

Pronunciation of Estopiã±ã¡n Del Castillo in Spain


The Castilian Spanish pronunciation of Estopiã±ã¡n Del Castillo is

ais·toh·peen·yaan  dail  kaas·tee·yoh  

ai sounds like the 'ai' in 'pain'
s sounds like the 's' in 'so'
t sounds like the 't' in 'to'
oh sounds like the 'o' in 'so'
p sounds like the 'p' in 'pet'
ee sounds like the 'ee' in 'see'
n sounds like the 'n' in 'no'
y sounds like the 'y' in 'yes'
aa sounds like the 'a' in 'car'

Hindi/Devanagari transliteration:

The closest approximation of the Castilian Spanish pronunciation of 'Estopiã±ã¡n Del Castillo' in Hindi/Devnagiri script is

एस्तोपिन्यान देल कास्तीयो

Type of Name:

city in Spain
